Year: 2021

On 28 June, Jodelle, Karina, and Lola graduated with honours from the European Master in Lexicography (EMLex) at the Université de Lorraine. Jodelle’s dissertation was entitled “Entwurf eines Lernerwörterbuchs Deutsch-Ghomala’/Ghomala’-Deutsch für Kameruner Deutschlernende mit Ghomala‘ als Erstspra...

Category: Allgemein

Tomorrow June 8, our second virtual public lecture will be take palce at 6 p.m. on ZOOM held by our guest lecturer Prof. Dr. Thomas Gloning of the Justus Liebig University Giessen; the title of his lecture is "Zur Lexikographie thematischer Felder. Grundlagen, Beispiele, digitale Strategien"; the le...

Category: Allgemein

On the 4th and 11th of May 2021, the 2nd year EMLEX students of the University of Minho attended a 'Crash Course on Ontologies', held by Alberto Simões, Researcher of the Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, and José João Almeida of the Departmen...

Category: Allgemein