
Chenlu Yu

Chenlu, from China, María Moliner class (2019-2021), student at Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Rome, Italy):


I recommend EMLex because it is an amazing program; you have access to all kinds of dictionary-related courses, listen to various presentations in the field of lexicography, and talk to professors at any time. In addition, you can also experience the cultures of different European countries: the civilization of ancient Rome, the enthusiasm of Spain, the romance of France, and the orderliness of Germany. You will gain friendships from all over the world and learn to work with students from different backgrounds. Finally, if you love dictionaries, EMLex will be the right choice for you.”

Bianca Mertens

Bianca, from Belgium, The Pioneers class (2010-2012), graduate of Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France):


I recommend EMLex because it has changed my life and made me the ambitious, successful person I am today. I met highly inspiring professors from all around the world, I got to travel and to do interesting internships, but most important of all, I learned that lexicography is about so much more than just ‘writing a dictionary’.”

Arta Ademaj

Arta, from Kosovo, María Moliner class (2019-2021), student at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany):


I recommend EMLex because the students can deepen their knowledge in the field of lexicography surrounded by an international and multilingual environment while having the chance to study at two (or even three) different partner universities during the program. Life after EMLex is promising with a bilingual master’s degree!”